Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Wonder As I Wander

I'm a big advocate of life-long learning and I'm thankful that I've learned so many things over the years. I look forward to continue learning as I grow and evolve. However I have come across things that I just don't get. Here's a list of a few.

*Stupid Book Jackets-That say nothing about the content of the book. Like I'm going to take it home based on some newspaper saying "Amazing tour de force by literary luminary John Doe!!!"

*Cover Charges (for clubs)- It's been explained to me that this was to make up for those who don't buy alcohol. Okay fine. Charge the price of two drinks and give drink tickets in return at the door. But to pay twenty bucks just for the privilege of getting in and then drinks on top of that? Don't get that!

*Baggy Pants- If you have to walk up the subway stairs clutching your pants with one hand to hold them up chances are they are TOO BIG. Invest in a belt or buy pants that fit you!

*TTC Monthly Metro Pass- Instead of spending thousands of dollars to produce a new and unique plastic card every month, why not just have ONE?? The transit rider can just recharge it monthly at an automated system that accepts debit and credit. The end. Less work for TTC employees, less line-ups, better all around. Better yet, switch to the "pay as you go" system that Seoul transit has!

*Mother and Father's Day- I liked that in Korea they just had Parents' Day and called it good! You can honour them individually on their birthdays people! Sooo unnecessary!

*Airline Industry- I don't get this at all! How can the SAME EXACT FLIGHT to the SAME destination cost $69 on one airline and over $200 on another. And by tomorrow, it's all changed! Is it like the stock market? Or like meterology? Astrology? Help me out here!

*Oil Industry- When we have domestic oil in Kansas and in many other states, why are we paying $3/gallon to schelp gas over from the Middle East? In Canada, they have their own gas as well. Give people jobs here at home instead of Saudi Arabia. I have an idea they'll manage without our business....

*Marriage Initiatives- Basic civil rights are not limited commodities. How can one couple getting married after a fifty year relationship "threaten" the marriage of anyone else? Did giving women the right to vote "threaten" the voting rights of men? Interracial marriage? And yet whole denominations are splitting over this non-issue.

*Mosquitoes and chiggers- If these critters were removed from the planet, would the food chain be affected at all? What's the point here? Cockroaches, I get. They at least serve a purpose!

*Circumcision- Male and female both. Why would one cut part of a sex organ off for religious or asthetic reasons? The hygenic reason falls flat when one takes into consideration that people shower daily these days....

*Plastic bags-When stores give a plastic bag for ONE ITEM. What's the point? At least ask me first. Once I declined a bag and the lady MADE ME TAKE ONE ANYWAY!

*Litterbugs- People who just drop trash on the ground or floor. I was taking our garbage to the garbage chute just today and someone had dropped an empty packet of gum by the elevators. I don't get it! Is this a special skill (to pick up after one's self) or they just can't be bothered?

*Dirty toilet seats- At the risk of being a traitor to my gender, what's the deal here? Raise the seat. Pee. Lower the seat. Leaving urine all over the seat for the next schmuck to wipe off is just rude! Manners guys! They're free!

Okay so that's the end of my little rants. What are some of yours?


Lance Noe said...

Could not agree more on all accounts, espcially litterbugs and toilet seats!

Kethryvis said...

Okay, I can shed a teensy bit of insight into the baggy pants thing. It comes out of the prisons, if you can believe it. Inside the prisons, all the clothing is very common denominator: very basic sizing, which means that the clothing you get isn't exactly the optimal fit. Belts aren't often allowed, if they are they're fairly non-working. So most of the guys inside have pants that bag around their knees just because that's, unfortunately, how it is.

How did it get outside? gang members showing solidarity for their peeps on the inside? Guys who got out and were used to it? Can't say. But for the most part, this "trend" comes out of the prisons. Yet Another Reason why we need to fix our incarceration culture!!

Sassiekiwi said...

ooh ... this one had me smiling ... laughing and ... CRINGING ...

Did women voting threaten the voting rights of men? No ... but it did threaten many men!

Trying to think about which things in life I don't understand ...

Why there is an intersection in Seoul with a no right turn sign posted right next to a right turn arrow ...

Why the USA has oil half the price as most of the rest of the world ... eg ... in Europe, NZ, Korea and other places its more than $8 a gallon ...

Why people in America moan about high petrol costs and continue to drive honking HUGE vehicles around ...

Why churches are still such unsubtle bastions of heterosexual boys club power ... and get away with it!

Why LAX is a world international hub and such a rotten airport ... same for Heathrow ...

Why I am more content as I get older to have mysteries in life and not try and figure them out!

Anonymous said...

See, I'm glad there isn't more oil drilling on American soil. I'm actually happy that gas is so expensive (on par with the rest of the world) because now change is being talked about. High gas prices is the only way we are going to get affordable electric cars in the next 5 years. Back when gas was affordable, they killed the electric car. At least now, there is a chance it will be resurrected before I die.

I'm going to add: Why don't people use turn signals. Really, is flipping a switch really too difficult? It's such a small thing, but so important for safety. Just put down the cell phone and use the turn signal!!

Jenny Cooper said...

OK, so the one thing that really gets me is the Braille on the drive through ATM at the bank. Really? If you need Braille to help you get money out of your bank account, then MAYBE you don't need to be driving. Just a thought... :)

Another thing that makes me laugh is the directions on how to use a western toilet on the seats in rural Korea, China, Japan... fill in the blank. It just cracks me up!

One of my pet peeves is change stealing... I was at a restaurant with my family recently, and my tab came to something like $9.22. I gave her a $20 and she gave me a $10 back. I was thinking "Really?!"

That is enough for me, I think... :) Great blog, Dan! I loved it. It was clever and fun...

Danifesto said...

Thanks for all your comments! Y'all are great! At the risk of sounding like a crusty curmudgeon(too late!), I'll add two more:
1) gay guys at PRIDE who object to wearing a rainbow sticker because IT'S TOO GAY! Even worse the guys at Red Shirt Days at Disney World. The whole point was to show solidarity and the number of people spending money at Disney World.

Danifesto said...

and #2) Lurkers at the gym- okay the amount of time spent standing directly in front of me, staring while I finish my reps, could have been spent on another machine. What a waste of time! And rude!